
for families
We’re here for you through the hard work of coping, recovery and resilience. We’re ready to support our clients, their families and friends. With years of experience and training specific to neurophysical rehabilitation, we will always strive to provide honest, thoughtful, complete answers to your questions, welcome advice, and heartfelt care at every stage of the journey.

Useful Links

Getting home from hospital

Because of the complex legal and professional situation it creates, we’re unable to treat you whilst in an NHS hospital, but you can call us for advice anytime. We can start to prepare and help you organise your return home.


Leaving hospital may be a relief; it also comes with new stresses. Family and friends may need to step into care-giving roles, and you may need to adjust your lifestyle and living space. Once you’re home, we can work alongside NHS colleagues or fill in gaps where services are missing. It may be that at the end of your NHS community rehabilitation you still feel you have more to gain. We can step in to help you re-group and plan next steps.


Arm and hand function often get less attention whilst in hospital because the focus is on getting you fit to go home. We can provide renewed focus and attention on this aspect of your recovery, and be ready with early treatment to help maximise progress towards function and independence.

Including families & caregivers

You’ll make the quickest and fullest recovery when you have lots of support. We depend on your family too, to encourage and assist you in regular exercise and activity between our sessions with you. We’ll provide training so caregivers offer the right support. We leave lots of notes, videos, web links and resources so you can continue to move, practice and exercise safely and consistently between appointments.

Getting the most out of life

Everyone wants to see you make progress, gain independence and enjoy life to the fullest. You’re bound to feel fear, reluctance, and hesitation around doing some of the things you used to do without a second thought. We’ll work towards the goals that matter most to you, break them down into realistic and achievable steps, then help you plan to get there.


This may include looking at workplace adaptations or it might be thinking a bit differently about what rehabilitation really means and planning a supported day’s hiking in the hills, snowboarding or triathlon training! (We’ve done all those things!)

Coordinating with other health professionals

Our goal is always to help our clients achieve optimal levels of physical function. Sometimes this means coordinating our efforts with other specialists, like Occupational Therapists, Clinical Psychologists, Massage Therapists and Speech Therapists. We’re happy to refer and facilitate appointments, and with your consent, communicate with your referring professional or GP.


We recognise all clients as more than their diagnoses, symptoms and limitations. With the respect, care and attention you deserve, we’ll help you set and get to your goals.


Get in touch – if we’re not the best people to help, we’ll recommend another service.


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Please leave your feedback for us below and we’ll get back to you to see what we can do to resolve any issues you may have.

Write Your Review

We’re so sorry to hear that you aren’t happy with our service. Your feedback is really important to us and we do all we can to make sure we are constantly improving.

Please leave your feedback for us below and we’ll get back to you to see what we can do to resolve any issues you may have.

Write Your Review

We’re so sorry to hear that you aren’t happy with our service. Your feedback is really important to us and we do all we can to make sure we are constantly improving.

Please leave your feedback for us below and we’ll get back to you to see what we can do to resolve any issues you may have.