Inner Ear (Vestibular)

Inner Ear (Vestibular)

Many conditions can cause imbalance, dizziness and stumbling. Our team includes neurophysios with additional training in vestibular disorders who will help assess and treat your specific issues.

What is an inner ear (vestibular) condition?

The vestibular system, which resides in the inner ear and brain, processes sensory information. It is responsible for controlling eye movements and balance. When this system is affected by disease or injury, it may result in dizziness, vertigo, nausea, imbalance and stumbling, and/or migraines. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis and vestibular migraine are common vestibular diagnoses.


Common challenges with inner ear conditions

The sudden onset of an inner ear problem can often be quite distressing. Dizziness, vertigo, a ‘spinning’ or ‘whirling’ sensation and nausea can lead to difficulties walking, stumbling, tripping, and falls.

How we can help

Dizziness & balance problems can be the result of problems in the inner ear. Similar symptoms may result from stress, dehydration, heart problems, and vision issues. Or, there may be neurological causes. Our neurophysios with additional training in vestibular disorders are expertly placed to be able to help assess and treat appropriately. Call us and we can arrange for you to speak to one of our vestibular trained specialists.

Rehabilitation technology


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