Brain Injury

Brain Injury

Specialised Physiotherapy for Brain Injury

NeuroPhysio Scotland offers specialist brain injury physiotherapy services to help restore movement and function.


Any number of symptoms can arise after brain injury. Thorough assessment, discussion about present and future challenges, and access to amazing rehab technology help us design your optimal treatment plan.

What is a brain injury?

Brain injuries are caused by serious blows to the head, often as a result of a fall or motor accident. (We don’t include congenital, degenerative or hereditary brain conditions in this category.)


Brain injury may also be called: head injury, traumatic brain injury (TBI), traumatic head injury, severe brain injury.


Common challenges after a brain injury


Brain injuries can be extremely complex and people often have a large range of symptoms that can be physical, cognitive and emotional. Memory, concentration or motivation may be affected or there may be significant physical signs such as weakness, muscle spasm, tightness, loss of sensation or reduced coordination, affecting any part of the body.

How we can help

We’ll focus on helping maximise the physical aspect of your recovery, and bring an understanding of the common emotional and cognitive challenges too.


Treatment normally uses exercises to target weak areas, stretches to release tight muscles and hands-on physio to help you re-learn better ways of moving, all with the goal of making you more physically independent and working towards the goals that matter most to you. We’ll find the right environment for your treatment and give the additional materials to support optimal management when we’re not there.


“Thanks to Tracey I can now manage small tasks with my arm and I’m also walking more steadily without my stick.”


Susan, Glasgow.

Rehabilitation technology

If you have a mobility problem such as foot drop or difficulty using your hand or arm, there might be some Rehabilitation Technology that could help.


We can also advise on sleep systems to improve comfort and pressure care, resting splints to maintain range of movement, and wheelchair options to promote good posture.

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